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New Jersey Divorce - Online Legal Help is No Bargain


New Jersey Divorce - Online Legal Help is No Bargain

The New York Times reports Denmark’s high divorce rates have prompted lawmakers there to introduce a three-month “reflection period” before a divorce can take effect.

Rising divorce rates are being blamed at least in part on quickie online divorces available for as little as $60. Denmark is among the nations that have made significant advances in online records. Most Danes over the age of 16 can use a government-issued electronic ID to gain access to medical and other personal records stored online.

Online Divorce Help a Bad Idea for New Jersey CouplesWWW

In addition to muddled divorces, Denmark has had problems with mistaken digital death certificates being entered into the system, which essentially cancel a person’s existence, including passports and visas. An IT professor at the University of Copenhagen was quoted as making two exceptions to the benefits of digitization: “It doesn’t work in divorce and death.”

The United States is not as advanced when it comes to keeping digital records online. However, that doesn’t mean a quick Google search for New Jersey divorce won’t lead you to any number of do-it-yourself legal services offering low-cost options.

East Brunswick divorce attorneys are reminded of an old saying in the law: “He who represents himself truly has a fool for a client.”

It’s unlikely that modern society will ever get away from the Internet. Even the new law in Denmark, which comes with mandatory counseling, allows for some of the counseling requirement to be fulfilled online, or through an App.

Legal Help for Divorcing Couples in New Jersey

Too often, divorcing couples think hiring a divorce lawyer will bring acrimony to an already tense situation that might otherwise best be worked out by a splitting couples being rationale and civil.

However, divorce is a complicated process that can have life-long consequences and financial ramifications. Experienced divorce lawyers have seen all manner of drama between divorcing spouses and typically work to limit contention. Where an experienced divorce lawyer is invaluable is in helping a client avoid the many common pitfalls.

  • Child Support and Custody: Having a formal child support/custody agreement is vital to having your rights recognized by the courts in the event of future complications. Medical costs and higher education expenses are other issues that are often left unresolved in a divorce agreement that fails to outline such specifics.
  • Assets and Financials: Banks don’t care what your divorce agreement says. If proper steps are not taken to forever separate your finances from your former spouse’s, you may forever be held responsible for mortgage debt and may face collection action for credit cards, back taxes, car loans or any other shared debt.
  • Taxes: Many financial transactions come with significant tax implications – from alimony, to selling the marital home to divvying up stocks or retirement accounts.
  • Retirement: Speaking of retirement, formal steps should be taken to claim your share of a spouse’s pension or retirement benefits.
  • Equitable Distribution: Even if you can agree on the basics, these and other issues can have a major impact on what might otherwise be considered an equitable division of property.

Legal help during a divorce is not the place to look for cost savings. Experienced family law attorneys understand divorce brings with it many stresses, and often financial concerns are among the most pressing. In most cases, legal experience can save you money, even after paying legal fees, and will ensure that your future is being built on a solid foundation by eliminating many of the common pitfalls that can return to haunt you in the years to come.

If you have questions about a New Jersey divorce, contact Rozin-Golinder Law LLC by calling (732) 810-0034.
