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Why Domestic Violence Cases Are Family Law Issues


Why Domestic Violence Cases Are Family Law Issues

More than 12 million men and women are victims of domestic violence each year. Suffering through physical, verbal, and emotional abuse from your partner not only jeopardizes your safety but your children’s wellbeing as well.

Children should never have to witness domestic abuse in their home. When this does occur, it can cause physical and mental problems for the children. In fact, research has shown 40% of abused children reported also witnessing domestic violence in their home.

Most domestic violence cases happen within families, meaning it is a family law issue. With almost 95 years of combined experience, Rozin | Golinder Law is fully equipped to fight for your family’s safety.

If you need to get help but are not sure where to even begin, keep reading to see how our experienced family law attorneys can help you through the process.

If you or a loved one is a victim of domestic violence and needs help securing a restraining order for the safety of your family, contact the domestic violence attorneysat Rozin | Golinder Law at (732) 810-0034 for a free and confidential consultation.

Domestic Violence and Your Family Law Case

Seeking help if you have experienced domestic violence can be a difficult process. Trying to understand the complicated laws in New Jersey only make this process harder. With Rozin | Golinder Law by your side, we can help you take action during this painful time.

We will help you:

  • File a restraining order

Domestic violence victims who believe they are in immediate danger can file for a temporary restraining order (TRO). A judge will enact the restraining order until there is a final court hearing to determine if there needs to be a final restraining order put in place.

Judges can order a final restraining order (FRO) during the final court hearing, which allows each party to present testimonies, evidence, or witnesses for their case. Based on the evidence provided, the judge will decide if a FRO is needed.

  • Obtain custody of your children

New Jersey courts are obligated to make child custody decisions that are in the best interest of the child. Courts consider how custody will impact physical health and safety, emotional needs, co-parenting standards, and practical considerations for the child. Domestic violence can affect all of these factors.

  • Apply for financial assistance

Not only can we help domestic violence victims apply for spousal or child support from their partner, but we can also guide them in the right direction for financial assistance programs if needed.

The New Jersey Department of Human Services has special regulations to make it easier for domestic abuse victims to receive benefits through their Emergency Assistance program.

Domestic violence victims who have filed a criminal report against their abuser can register for assistance with the Victims of Crime Compensation Office (VCCO) which provide funds for moving, medical, counsel, lost wages due to the abuse, loss of financial support, attorney fees, and childcare.

Additionally, a victim can apply for unemployment benefits if they lost their job because of domestic violence issues.

How Our Attorneys Will Ensure Your Family’s Safety

Being a victim of domestic violence can be an isolating experience and put you in an extremely difficult and delicate situation. It is completely understandable that you may not feel safe or comfortable telling someone about your situation. Victims of domestic violence can be afraid that their abuser will retaliate against them if they try to get help and leave the relationship.

However, getting away from the situation should be your first priority to ensure you and your children’s safety. Taking legal action is one of the only ways to guarantee your family’s future is safe.

At Rozin | Golinder Law, we treat our clients like family. You can trust our experienced and dedicated team to fight for you and your family. No one should have to go through this difficult situation alone. We are here for you in your time of need. We are ready to listen to your story and fight for your family’s safety.

Our team is ready to help you during this difficult time. Call us today: (732) 810-0034 for a free and confidential consultation.
