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Divorce Help in New Jersey – Legal Representation a Wise Investment


Divorce Help in New Jersey – Legal Representation a Wise Investment

We often see stories in the news about the cost of divorce. These stories typically focus on reducing the cost of legal services, despite abundant evidence that failure to seek qualified legal help typically ends badly.

These articles usually take great care in stating at the outset that they are not offering legal advice, typically right before they offer you legal advice on divorcing without experienced legal help.

USA Today reports the average cost of a divorce in New Jersey is $15,600 and increases to $23,500 when children are involved, which ranks sixth-highest nationally. New York ranked second-highest nationally (behind California), with an average childless divorce costing $17,100, while a divorce with children typically costs about $25,000.

While these costs are not insignificant, the cost of a badly executed divorce can be far higher. For example, federal and state taxes and penalties on retirement accounts, capital gains taxes, and tax implications of alimony can all easily surpass the cost of divorce. A vague parenting plan, child custody or support issues, or any number of other challenges can result in return trips to court, which can be equally costly long after a divorce is finalized.

For the cost of a used car, you can be assured of an experienced advocate, who will fight for your rights to a fair financial settlement, parenting plan and child support. You will also stand a far better chance of building your new life on a strong foundation, while avoiding the common pitfalls (and there are many) that often land couples back in court years after they thought they had put everything behind them.

Monmouth County divorce lawyers know money is a concern during most divorces. Establishing two households on the same income is always costly. A qualified and experienced attorney is an investment in your future.

The alternative is frightening.

New Jersey 101.5 recently touted the 129-page self-help divorce guide published by Legal Services of New Jersey.  A quick review of the complexities is often enough to send a divorcing couple in search of experienced legal help. We have written before about the hazards of do-it-yourself divorce.

An experienced divorce attorney in Monmouth County will likely save you money in the long run and can help you avoid the common pitfalls that land divorcing couples back in court or stuck raising children amid acrimonious relationships caused by poorly executed parenting plans and unfair divorce agreements.

Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements

There is some evidence younger couples are using experienced legal help even before marriage.

A new study by Zippia reports young couples in the Northeast have the lowest divorce rates in the nation. New Jersey couples under age 30 are divorcing at a rate of just 5.34 percent, only New York’s rate of 4.97 percent is lower. Young people are also waiting longer to marry and are more likely to use prenuptial and postnuptial contracts.

As we wrote recently, prenuptial agreements are a marriage contract, not a divorce contract.

Most of us would not buy that used car without a contract, and perhaps a warranty. Yet when it comes to marriage and children, there are often no legal assurances beyond those offered by your choice of an experienced Monmouth County family law firm.

Call Rozin|Golinder Law, LLC today for a free and confidential consultation.
