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Co-Parenting Success after New Jersey Divorce


Co-Parenting Success after New Jersey Divorce

Several new studies are taking a look at the likelihood that children of divorce will obtain a higher education, or go on to become divorced parents themselves.

Our Middlesex County divorce lawyers know the biggest problem with these types of studies is the endless number of variables. Regardless of marital status, the biggest determinative factor of your child’s success will be how well you parented.

Like many states, New Jersey child custody law recognizes most children benefit from maintaining a solid relationship with both parents. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act seeks to make custody decisions in the best interest of the child.

NJ Child Custody and Co-Parenting

New Jersey Statutes: Title 9, Section 2-1 seeks a co-parenting arrangement but still determines:

  • Physical custody: Where a child lives.
  • Legal custody: Parent responsible for decision-making.

Divorcing parents are encouraged to resolve child-custody issues by establishing a parenting plan during mandatory custody mediation. A family law firm in Middlesex County can best protect your rights throughout the process and will represent your interests in court should any issues remain unresolved.

Seeking experienced legal help during your divorce offers the best chance for building your new life on a strong foundation. Ideally, a comprehensive parenting plan will anticipate many of the future issues co-parents will encounter, even if they do their best to continue to cooperate when it comes to childrearing.

An experienced divorce lawyer can best represent your interests while keeping emotions from dominating negotiations. When children are involved, splitting from a former spouse in a way that keeps lines of communication open is always in the best interest of the children.

Successful co-parenting hinges on a number of important factors:

  • Good communication: Don’t communicate through your children. Remain engaged with each other as it related to parenting.
  • Stay coordinated: Co-parenting arrangements can provide teens with too much freedom, particularly after they get their driver’s license. Lack of coordination between parents gives teens freedom they can use to their advantage.
  • Stay on schedule: But don’t be inflexible. Co-parenting plans that work best have flexibility. However, seeking to maintain an overall schedule can best benefit all involved.
  • Don’t assume: Don’t let lack of communication or separate households keep you from knowing your teen’s friends and being involved in their life. Don’t assume the other parent is taking care of it.
  • Be consistent: Teens thrive amid consistent guidance and expectations. Poor co-parenting habits can lead teens to learn negative habits like lying or pitting parents against each other in order to get their way.

Studies that purport to determine impact of divorce on a child’s future too often fail to consider whether a comprehensive parenting plan and a commitment to cooperative childrearing set the child up for success or failure even before the ink was dry on their parent’s divorce agreement.

Call Rozin|Golinder Law, LLC today for a free and confidential consultation.
