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Telling Your Children About Your Divorce

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Telling Your Children About Your Divorce

Perhaps one of the most challenging parts of the divorce process is informing your loved ones that your marriage is ending. Most people will meet you with questions or concerns about your divorce, such as wanting to know what caused the separation. However, what is even more complicated is telling your children about your divorce. Letting them know that their parents will no longer be together can be challenging for them to digest.

We understand how difficult this time can be for you and your family. That’s why Rozin | Golinder Law is here to provide you with tips on how to tell your children about your divorce.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

You might find yourself wanting to avoid breaking the news to your kids or giving them half-truths. However, this will only damage your relationship with your children. If you and your spouse have decided on a divorce, it is best to be honest and direct with your children. Keeping secrets can only last so long and will further complicate your process. While it may feel difficult at the moment, it is better, in the long run, to communicate in a straightforward manner.

Breaking The News As a Team

Another important thing to consider is who will break the news to your children. It is best that it comes from you and your ex-spouse as a unified front. If you wait and avoid breaking the news, there is the possibility that they will hear about it accidentally from someone else, like another family member. Instead, sit your children down as a family and tell them about your divorce as co-parents.

Timing Is Crucial

You will also need to keep in mind the timing of your conversation. You don’t want to do it at an inappropriate time, such as before school or when you will feel rushed. Expect your kids to have questions about the divorce, as well as need comfort and reassurance from you and their other parent. By rushing the process, you may leave your kids with unanswered questions or hurt feelings, allowing them to feel lost and without a guide.

Demonstrate Compassion

This will be difficult news for your children to process and they deserve compassion from each parent. It will be crucial for you to reassure them so they know that they are not the root cause of the divorce. It is not uncommon for children to assume that their actions or something they have done resulted in their parents separating. Step in before this can happen and reassure them that they do not have a role in your divorce. You can also acknowledge that you understand these changes and that you will be there for them.

Maintaining The Conversation

While breaking the initial news is challenging, you should continue to have conversations with your children about the divorce. They deserve to have all of their questions and concerns attended to throughout the process. Give them the opportunity to ask questions regularly, so they can feel confident and understand what is happening in their lives.

Key Takeaways

Telling your children about your divorce is not an easy experience for anyone involved. However, with these key takeaways, you can approach this in a more confident manner. Remember to be honest and direct with your children, and have both you and your ex-spouse involved. Pick an appropriate time to break the news and utilize compassionate language throughout. Know that this conversation will continue to take place over time as well.

Compassionate Child Custody Attorneys

The team at Rozin | Golinder Law understands how delicate child custody and divorce can be. That’s why we are here to help you navigate the process. We will gather the details of your case, helping you make important decisions about you and your family. WIth us in your corner, you won’t have to face this experience alone.


To schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys, call us at (732) 810-0034 or visit us online.
